The Democrat, Dearborn, Platte County, Missouri Friday November 21, 1890.
In the editor’s column of my now defunct hometown paper is an explanation of why the paper began. What happened on the streets that I walk today fascinates me, so from time to time expect to see small town news from a century ago. The news of the world, Missouri, Platte County, and the social scene of a small town as our g-g-g-grandparents lived it starts here with the opening issue. The economy, two opposing political parties and an election that sent a clear message to Washington sound surprisingly familiar today.
The Democrat
R.N. Harrington, Editor
“The Democrat” enters upon its
mission with this issue. As its name
signifies, it will be devoted to the in-
terests of the whole people, yes, its
course will be as emphatic upon all
vital questions, as the expression
rendered at the late election. Ever
mindful of a great victory won in the
interest of the masses over the grasp-
ing few, it realizes that to secure the
best results of this popular tidal
wave, the best thought of the coun-
try will have to be enlisted to solve
the problems confronting us. This
is apparent when we reflect that the
two great parties have been stranded
on the tariff question, the one in 1888
and the other in1890. Such a radi-
cal change in two years, is convinc-
ing that this is an unsettled question.
The democrats to hold their ground,
must choose the golden mean be-
tween these extremes. That a prop-
er settlement of this economic meas-
ure may be reached, is the hope of
the Democrat. This disposed of,
there are none others about which
our readers need have alarm or sol-
icitude. The Force bill may be set
down a back number. Free coinage
of silver, having had the support of
the Senate, will go through the next
House with a rush, and President
Harrison will hardly veto it, under
the overwhelming instructions fresh
from the people. The duties of the
times, as outlined by the sovereigns
of this grand country shall ever be
the polar star to the course of the
Hello, I've been trying to contact you through phone and e-mail, but have had a bit of trouble with the info that Phil Schroeder at the Platte Historical Society provided me. I'd like to chat with you about my effort in pulling together a 2014 Camden Point Centennial, as well as preservation efforts for the Pleasant Grove cemetery. I've very much appreciated the work you've done on history in the past, and would be happy to talk. My e-mail is tridus(at), and more info can be found at I look forward to hearing from you! Matthew Silber